Campaign Promises
Departments -> Transportation -> Infrastructure | ||
Item | Transportation | |
Infrastructure | Grade | |
TR-2 | The Promise: "...will enter into a new partnership with state and local civic, political, and business leaders to enact a truly national infrastructure policy that recognizes that we must upgrade our infrastructure to meet the demands of a growing population, a changing economy, and our short and long-term energy challenges." When/Where: Obama-Biden Plan: "Strengthening America's Transportation Infrastructure" dated 10/09/08. Source: Status:Source is cited for confirmation of exact promise wording only, as it existed before original "When/Where" campaign document was deleted from archival websites. On 12/04/15, President Obama signed the "Fixing America's Surface Transportation (FAST) Act. That Act, a $305B infrastructure improvement initiative, established many features of the promised partnership between federal, state and local entities. The Secretary of Transportation was directed under FAST to reinforce those partnerships by encouraging state and local agencies to take full advantage of engineering industry capabilities to strengthen project performance, improve domestic competitiveness, and create jobs. FAST also included a plan for partnering with the private sector or public agencies, including multimodal and multijurisdictional entities, research institutions, organizations representing transportation and technology leaders, and other transportation stakeholders. This promise was fulfilled. | 1.00 |
TR-3 | The Promise: " mandate states and Metropolitan Planning Organizations create policies to incentivize greater bicycle and pedestrian usage of roads and sidewalks." When/Where: Obama-Biden Plan: "Strengthening America's Transportation Infrastructure" dated 10/09/08. Source: Status:On 03/11/10, the Department of Transportation (DOT) issued a "Policy Statement on Bicycle and Pedestrian Accommodation Regulations and Recommendations." The main thrust of this policy statement was to "incorporate safe and convenient walking and bicycling facilities into transportation projects." Further, the policy statement directs transportation agencies to "plan, fund, and implement improvements to their walking and bicycling networks, including linkages to transit." This promise was fulfilled. | 1.00 |
TR-4 | The Promise: "...will re-evaluate the transportation funding process to ensure that smart growth considerations are taken into account." When/Where: Obama-Biden Plan: "Build More Livable and Sustainable Communities" dated 10/09/08. Source: Status:The Departments of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and Transportation (DOT) and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) formed a partnership to provide American communities more transportation options and lower transportation costs. This partnership was embodied in the "Partnership for Sustainable Communities" announced by President Obama on 10/21/10, and included the integration of "smart growth" initiatives into the Transportation Investment Generating Economic Recovery (TIGER) grant program that was created under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) of CY2009. This promise was fulfilled. | 1.00 |