Campaign Promises

Departments -> Agriculture -> Conservation Security

Conservation SecurityGrade
AG-7 The Promise: "...will fight to increase funding for the Conservation Security Program and the major set-aside programs such as the Conservation Reserve Program..."
When/Where: Obama-Biden Plan: "Supporting the Rights and Traditions of Sportsmen" dated 08/06/08.
Status:The 2008 Farm Bill replaced the Conservation Security Program with a new Conservation Stewardship Program (CSP). The new program encourages participants to undertake new conservation activities in addition to maintaining and managing existing conservation activities. Also, the new program operates under an annual acreage limitation rather than a funding cap. The CSP is administered for the Department of Agriculture (USDA) by the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS). The Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) is administered by the USDA Farm Service Agency (FSA).

Here's how funding fared for the CSP and the CRP under President Obama:
Conservation Stewardship Program (including Technical Assistance) from funding level of $9M in FY2009:
FY2010.... $0.390B
FY2011.... $0.601B
FY2012.... $0.812B
FY2013.... $0.975B
FY2014.... $1.195B
FY2015.... $1.383B
FY2016.... $1.464B
FY2017.... $1.383B

Conservation Reserve Program (including Technical Assistance) from funding level of $1.919M in FY2009:
FY2010.... $1.911B
FY2011.... $1.939B
FY2012.... $1.969B
FY2013.... $1.993B
FY2014.... $1.800B
FY2015.... $1.821B
FY2016.... $1.868B
FY2017.... $1.994B

This promise was fulfilled.
AG-8 The Promise: "...extending the swamp buster provisions of the Farm Bill..."
When/Where: Obama-Biden Plan: "Supporting the Rights and Traditions of Sportsmen" dated 08/06/08.
Status:Swamp buster provisions originated under the Food Security Act of 1985 and essentially prevented landowners from using dredged or drained wetlands for agricultural purposes if these landowners expected to receive USDA benefits.

Under the Farm Bill of 1996, swamp buster provisions were refined to permit the use of converted and abandoned wetlands as farmland.

There was no retention of swamp buster provisions in the "Agriculture, Food, and Jobs Act of 2012" (S. 3240) that passed the Senate on 06/21/12 to replace the Farm Bill of 2008, nor is there any record that President Obama sought to extend those provisions, which expired on 10/01/12. This bill expired with the 112th Congress at the end of CY2012. Instead, the 2008 Farm Bill was extended to 09/30/13 under the "American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012" signed into law by President Obama on 01/02/13. There is no mention of a swamp buster provision extension in this bill.

The new 5-year Farm Bill, dubbed the "Agricultural Act of 2014" (H.R. 2642), was signed into law by President Obama on 02/07/14. It contained nothing related to the extension of swamp buster provisions.

This promise was not fulfilled.