Campaign Promises

Departments -> Commerce -> Manufacturing

CO-1 The Promise: "...will double funding for the Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MEP) so its training centers can continue to bolster the competitiveness of U.S. manufacturers."
When/Where: Plan for America: "Blueprint for Change," dated 10/09/08
Source: Obama and Biden's documents/550007-barack-obama-2008-blueprint-for-change.html
Status:The Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MEP), known as the "Hollings MEP," operates out of the National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST), working with state partnerships to provide business planning services and technical advice to small businesses. This is not to be confused with the Advanced Manufacturing Partnership (AMP) introduced by President Obama on 06/24/11 to bring industry, universities and the federal government together to invest in emerging technologies.

FY2009 funding for the Hollings MEP program when President Obama was first elected was $111.8M. This was the amount to "double." Here's how the Hollings MEP was funded during President Obama's two terms in office:

FY2010 - $125.2M
FY2011 - $129.3M
FY2012 - $130.9M
FY2013 - $118.2M
FY2014 - $122.6M
FY2015 - $144.6M
FY2016 - $140.9M
FY2017 - $143.7M

This promise was not fulfilled.